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Big L Lumber Clarksville - 616-693-2227
Big L Lumber Greenville - 616-754-9339
Big L Lumber Sheridan - 989-291-3232
Big L Lumber Stanwood - 231-823-2088
It's a good time to take a walk around the property and see if Mother Nature has left any surprises from winter and spring storms. Take the time to inspect your fence for damage. It could be anything from loose, wobbly posts to broken or missing boards. If you run your eye along the fence line, does it look straight or wavy?
If there’s damage to your fence or even if it’s just getting shoddier each year, you may be thinking it’s time to replace the fence altogether. That’s a perfectly reasonable option, though keep in mind there are others which may better fit your budget. The good thing about wood fencing is that it is modular in nature, which means it is not too difficult to repair. Pieces and entire sections can be replaced while blending in with the rest of the fence. Unless your needs have changed, where a different type of fence is required, there may still be something you can do to keep what you have.
If your fence is structurally sound but needs a little cosmetic help, consider pressure washing it; followed by a coat of paint or stain. Of the two, stains provide more protection and ease of maintenance since they absorb deeper into the wood. Paint may be a cheaper approach, but it won’t last as long as stain and will eventually chip or peel. With the variety of tinted stains available, it makes them an even more attractive option.
Are all of the posts sound and straight, but you’d still like to replace your fence? As long as your next fence line and height will remain the same, why not simply remove the panels and keep your existing posts? You’ll save a lot of time and money by not needing to purchase new posts and dig new holes.
Along your walk, you may have encountered any of the following problems with your fence:
Maybe your fence simply doesn’t fit your needs anymore and you want to replace it regardless of its present condition. Now is the time to explore the many options of fencing materials available. If you expand your budget, the choices increase quite a bit. Today’s options include wood, vinyl, concrete, chainlink, aluminum, iron, and even glass.
It’s a known fact that a good looking fence can enhance the curb appeal of your home --but the inverse is true as well. A shabby fence can make an otherwise attractive home look less appealing.
If you need to repair your fence or would like to know what new fencing options fit your budget, call on our friendly staff for quick, knowledgeable answers. We’ll be happy to help you keep surrounded by good fences. As for good neighbors? We’ll keep our fingers crossed.